Because we can’t do it without you!
Please support our efforts to bring new light and life to the world! Your tax-deductable check or money order, made out to “Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate” and with the memo: “For Memorare Pictures”, may be sent to:
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
199 Colonel Brown Rd.
Griswold, CT 06351

“Christian communities, in spite of the poverty of their means, should not hesitate to invest more in this important sector, at the time of the “civilization of the image”. In the past, our sanctuaries were filled with religious mosaics, paintings, and sculptures, to teach the faith. Shall we have enough spiritual strength and genius to create “moving images”, of great quality, and adapted to the culture of today?”
Saint John Paul the Great
For investment opportunities please contact Friar Paschal Gilbert at
The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are a certified non-profit 501(c)(3) charity.
Heartfelt thanks to all our benefactors. May God bless and reward you all!
Friar Paschal Gilbert, FI